Statement of Commitment

  • Coogee Diggers Swim School provides an open, welcoming and safe environment for everyone participating in our programs.

  •  Coogee Diggers Swim School is committed to protecting children from abuse through the implementation of policies and procedures that assist in preventing child abuse from occurring

  • We provide high quality Learn to Swim and Squad Programs for students that encourage healthy and safe practices for all members of the swimming community.

  • We seek advice from students, parents and staff so these standards can be maintained and improved over time.

Child Safe Policy Documents

Coogee Diggers Swim School is committed to the safety and well-being of all children attending our programs. This policy outlines the procedures for responding to incidents, disclosures, and suspicions of child abuse. All staff members must adhere to these guidelines to ensure timely and appropriate action in protecting children at risk of abuse, harm, neglect, or ill-treatment

All Coogee Diggers staff are vaccinated.
See our SWIM terms and conditions

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