Learn 2 Swim

3+ Years

Our Learn to Swim program is structured to guide your child from beginner to advanced levels, ensuring they build a solid foundation in swimming. All lessons are 30min.

Beginner levels

  • Seahorse This transitional class allows parents to be in the water with their child but will gradually encourage independence as the term progresses. Students will continue to develop trust, confidence, and reassurance to swim solo with their teacher

  • Lobster For kids ready to learn without mom or dad, this level focuses on water safety, breath control, balance, submersions, floating, and paddling, helping them gain the confidence to swim independently.  

Improver levels

  • Starfish At this level, children work on extending their flotation and body position while being introduced to arm and kicking actions and how to be safe in the water.

  • Turtle This level emphasizes building distance and independence while refining breathing techniques. Swimming aides like kickboards are introduced, along with diving activities.

Intermediate levels

  • Platypus Our Platypus swimmers focus on rudimentary freestyle swimming with breathing, along with backstroke body position and kicking, both individually and in pairs.

  • Dolphin The focus here is on improving technique and increasing distance. Coordination of breaststroke and backstroke is also emphasized.

Advanced levels

  • Shark Sharks focus on developing freestyle and backstroke techniques for 25meters, while also learning timing of breaststroke and introduction to butterfly.

Junior development program

  • Stingray Stingrays fine-tune their endurance and technique in freestyle, backstroke, and breaststroke, while learning self-management skills such as lane etiquette and continuous swim distance.

  • Orca The final level in our Junior Development Program. Orcas will fine-tune all four strokes, experiment with racing techniques like dives, tumbles, touch turns, and drills, and work on endurance in preparation for the Junior Squad Program.

Have a question?

Please email swim@coogeediggers.com.au 

At Coogee Diggers Swim School, all our instructors are certified swim instructors with verified Working with Children's Checks (WWCC) and are First Aid and CPR certified. Every staff member undergoes thorough reference checks. We are committed to creating and maintaining a child-safe environment, complying with the Office of the Children’s Guardian 10 Child Safe Standards. We have a verified Child Safe Officer on-site and a child safe council that meets regularly to ensure our standards are upheld.

All Coogee Diggers staff are vaccinated.
See our SWIM terms and conditions